Super News

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Tic is the star of our latest communication tool, Monster Conversations. In the magical land of Mareikura, Tic might look a bit scary with his red skin and sharp teeth. Still, he's actually a big-hearted monster who expresses his emotions through his beautiful, magical drawings.

At Cheekee Hero Charity, we understand that some tamariki (children) and rangatahi (youth) who are neurodivergent or find it difficult to communicate need a little extra help. That's why we've created Monster Conversations, a special tool to help all beings like Tic express their feelings in a healthy way. With the support of his new friend Cheekee, a super robot powered by love and kindness, Tic will guide our young heroes on an amazing journey of self-discovery and new friendships.

At Cheekee Hero Charity we advocate for inclusion, empathy, and kindness, and we believe every child's voice deserves to be heard. Tic and Cheekee's adventures exemplify the power of understanding and compassion, showing that even the most intense emotions can be turned into a force for good. Stay tuned and keep your eyes and ears peeled for the Monster Conversations movement! This is just the beginning of an exciting journey for our tamariki and rangatahi.

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