Our Story

The reason why we exist

About Cheekee Hero Charity

Kia ora koutou! Nga mihi maioha ki to mātou kōrero.

Cheekee Hero Charity is the creation of Jasmine Soa, Fierce Māmā, Change-Maker, Advocate and Wingman. Her family’s lived experience of navigating through life with a child in treatment is her inspiration behind the need for helping other whānau with similar experiences of tamariki and rangatahi with neurodiversity, disabilities and illnesses and to represent unheard voices to inspire change.

"Cheekee Hero is our legacy to connect whānau (families); amplify their voices and inspire change. We are incredibly personal and share our everyday lives with our community to give an authentic insight into how we live despite the challenges we face.
Our hope for every whānau facing hardship, by connecting to create meaningful change we will transform adversity into joy."

Donate online to Cheekee Hero, one of the best charities to donate to.

About Cheekee Hero Charity

Tēnā koutou, talofa lava - We're a tight family of 5 with 3 awesome boys, Keenan, Myles, and Lachlan, and this is our story.

Lachlan, affectionately known as Lox was born in March 2016, and up until 10 months of age was healthy and full of life. Little did we know that his health and our lives would be set on a spiraling trajectory downwards and that our journey although extremely difficult would evenutally blossom into something truly beautiful.

January 3rd, 2017, was Lox's first and of many hospital admissions to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Starship Children's Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand and for what we would find out in 2018 was Bronchiectasis.

June 28th, 2019 Lox was diagnosed with T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia after 2 back to back admissions and where he would receive his first of many blood transfusions to come. A difficult moment in time that would prove to be a pivotal turning point for our whānau.

Fast forward to the present day and Lox is thriving, there is his strength that we will forever be in awe of and his defiance to stand up and live life on his terms. We're a whānau with a lived experience of a child facing insurmountable odds and it's because of his journey that we answered our call to courage and why we felt so compelled to help others.

Jazz, Paul, Keenan, Myles and Lox xx