Child Protection Policy

(the “Policy”)


Policy Statement

Cheekee Hero Charitable Trust, trading as Cheekee Hero Charity, also referred to as Cheekee Hero (staff, volunteers and contractors) is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children it supports and recognises the responsibility to foster safe practice and wellbeing while participating in our activities and the activities of our charity partners, organisation partners and education and school partners.

Trustees, staff, volunteers and contractors of Cheekee Hero will work together to embrace diversity and promote inclusion and respect the rights of everyone especially children and young people.  For the purposes of the Policy and associated procedures a child is recognised as someone under the age of 18 years.

The policy is based on the following principles:

  • The welfare of children is the primary concern.

  • All children, whatever their age, culture, health challenge/need, disability, gender, language, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religious belief or sexual identity have the right to protection from all forms of harm and abuse.

  • Child protection is everyone's responsibility.

  • Children have the right to express views on all matters which affect them.


Policy Objectives

The aim of this Policy is to promote good practice by:

  • promoting and implementing appropriate procedures to safeguard the well-being of children and protect them from abuse;

  • respecting and promoting the rights of children;

  • recruiting and training trustees, staff, volunteers and contractors to adopt best practice to safeguard the wellbeing of children and protect children from abuse;

  • requiring trustees, staff, members, volunteers and contractors to abide by the Policy and procedures;

  • responding to any allegations of misconduct or abuse of children in line with the Policy and procedures; and

  • regularly monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Policy and procedures. 



1. Screening

When recruiting people to engage with children (specific to our activities) we will ensure that recruitment process includes:

  • a role description;

  • advertising the position;

  • an application process;

  • following up on referees;

  • interviewing;

  • screening (e.g., police vetting where necessary).

2. Good practice protocols

The following protocols provide guidance by outlining good practice and establishing boundaries when working with children.

Ensuring all children are treated equally with dignity and feel they belong

  • Activities should be appropriate for the age and development of the children based on the feedback and collaboration with our charity partners, organisation partners and education and school partners.

  • Ensure feedback to children is specific to the activity and is in accordance with our partners policy and procedures.

  • Use positive and age-appropriate language when talking to children and in their presence. (ensuring that a member/employee of our partners or parent/s of the child/ren is/are always present) 

Creating a safe and open working environment

  • The Policy Officer of Cheekee Hero Charitable Trust  shall act as the Child Protection Officer (“CPO”) for Cheekee Hero Charitable Trust and uphold the Policy and Procedures. 

  • Ensure that all physical contact with children is relevant and appropriate to the activity.

  • Seek permission to touch when doing the above.

  • Do not engage in any intimate, over-familiar relationships with people under the age of 18 years.

  • Ensure that any filming or photography of children is appropriate and is in line with the individual policy and procedures of our charity partners, organisation partners, education and school partners. Obtain consent prior to filming or photographing and explain purpose, e.g., to promote annual fun runs, fundraising activities, promotional materials, books, e-books, on Cheekee Hero website etc.

  • Do not use alcohol in the presence of children and do not offer alcohol to children under any circumstances.

  • Do not engage in communication on a one-to-one basis through social media or email with children other than relevant feedback or administration in line with the individual policy and procedures of our charity partners, organisation partners, education and school partners or if outside of these parameters, only with consent from parent/s of the child/ren and/or included in all communications.

Avoiding situations where you are alone with a child

  • Avoid private or unobserved situations.

  • Avoid entering any private setting. If you must enter, knock and announce yourself and try to have at least one other adult with you who is a trusted member of our partners or is the parent/s of the child/ren.

  • Avoid driving a child unaccompanied.

  • Do not invite or encourage children to your home.

3. Dealing with allegations, responding to concerns

In accordance with the Cheekee Hero’s responsibility to act on any serious concerns, the following should be brought to the attention of the CPO.

  • Any instance where policy is breached or good practice protocols are not followed;

  • Any disclosure by a child that abuse or harm is occurring;

  • Any suspicions or concerns about a child being subject to abuse or neglect. 

Where concerns about poor practice are reported

  • Poor practice involves actions that are contrary to the good practice protocols provided by our organisation and increase the risk of harm to children.

  • Initial concerns should be discussed with your CPO (in the absence of a CPO the Managing Director, CEO, Chairperson of your organisation should be notified) and should be recorded.

  • Consider the allegation and where there is a legitimate concern provide a written notice to the individual(s) involved.

  • If the poor practice is continued or there is repeated poor practice following a written notice then enact disciplinary procedures. This may include expulsion from Cheekee Hero.

When responding to possible abuse or neglect:

  • Ensure the child is safe from immediate harm.

  • Consult immediately with the nominated CPO/person in charge.

  • As soon as possible, record accurately and appropriately the information received.

  • Records should be factual (not opinion or hearsay) and concise and include:

    • i. The nature of the allegation;

    • ii. Who noticed/disclosed the abuse and their relationship to the child;

    • iii. Details of any witnesses;

    • iv. Signs and symptoms noted (including behavioural change);

    • v. Any particular incidents with dates, times and places (if possible);

    • vi. Any action taken.

  • Consult with others as necessary – do not work alone.
    Ensure that all efforts have been made to work with and follow the policy and procedures of our charity partners, organisation partners and education and school partners when consulting and responding to possible abuse or neglect.

  • Avoid questioning the child beyond what has already been disclosed.

  • Do not question or counsel the alleged offender.

  • Notify Child Youth and Family or the Police promptly Under S15 of the Children, Young persons and Their Families Act 1989, any person who believes that a child is being or is likely to be harmed, ill-treated, abused, neglected, or deprived may report the matter to Child Youth and Family, or to the Police.

Policy review

This Policy and Procedures will be regularly reviewed following any issues or concerns raised about the protection of children within Cheekee Hero activities; and in all other circumstances, at least every three years.